
14 06, 2016

A china vem ai

2016-06-14T15:06:59+01:00June 14th, 2016|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|

O governo chinês aproveitoiu a reunião de jornalistas em Plovdiv, na Bulgária, por ocasião do CMB, e divulgou seus ambiciosos planos para a difusão do vinho no país. Read more  

8 06, 2016

Baijiu: carneade di successo

2016-06-08T10:54:56+01:00June 8th, 2016|Asian Wine & Spirits News|

L’esperienza cinese di Spirits Selection è stato, appunto, un po’ come l’esame di maturità per immergermi in questo distillato dalle radici antiche e di cui in occidente si sa pochissimo, almeno per ora, visto che comincia a fare capolino anche nei duty free negli aereoporti. [...]

16 05, 2016

La città internazionale del vino a Pechino

2016-05-16T07:37:06+01:00May 16th, 2016|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|

Ed è proprio nel distretto di Fangshan-Beijing che a metà ottobre si terrà il 1° Forum-Tasting dal titolo “Asian Wine & Spirits – The Silk Route”. “Sarà la prima volta che l’Asia nel suo complesso mostrerà ciò che è capace di fare”, ha spiegato Baudouin [...]

6 05, 2016

Plovdiv launch of the 1st Asian Wine and Spirits Conference & Competition – Silk Route

2018-05-17T09:25:09+01:00May 6th, 2016|Asian Wine & Spirits News|

During the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) last week, nearly 80 international guests and journalists attended the official launch of the 1st Asian Conference & Wine and Spirits Competition to be held in Fangshan in October. By way of an introduction, Baudouin Havaux, [...]

26 04, 2016

Asian Wine & Spirits – Silk Route 2016 // The video

2018-10-25T09:29:47+01:00April 26th, 2016|Videos|

25 02, 2016

Sula vineyards held its 9th festival in Nashik – India

2016-03-01T14:08:01+01:00February 25th, 2016|Asian Wine & Spirits News|

More than 10,000 visitors,two-day long music festival and an enviable line-up of wines and spirits and gourmet food offerings to keep the visitors' spirits high, all that in the midst of a spectacular vineyard location. That is Sulafest for you. India's number one World Gourmet [...]

15 02, 2016

When will China’s ‘Chateaux’ start selling us great growths?

2018-05-17T09:25:09+01:00February 15th, 2016|Asian Wine & Spirits News|

At the last Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, no fewer than 14 medals – 5 gold and 9 silver – were awarded to Chinese wines. Most of the talk about the development of the Chinese wine industry centres on quantity and not quality. Projects involving several [...]

15 02, 2016

The development of the wine industry is the new workhorse of Fangshan district – Beijing

2018-05-17T09:25:09+01:00February 15th, 2016|Asian Wine & Spirits News|

The district of Fangshan, located on the south-western outskirts of Beijing, is a new wine region with just twenty-two chateaux covering 1,200 hectares of vines, eighteen of which have harvested at least one crop of grapes. The aim is to set up 60 chateaux over [...]

8 02, 2016

Sauvignon blanc in China, a great potential

2018-05-17T09:25:10+01:00February 8th, 2016|Asian Wine & Spirits News|

Sauvignon blanc in China Low-key now but the potential to shine in the future By Pedro Ballesteros MW , Jan 2016 China is known as a red wine country. White wines account for less than one fifth of red wine consumption. Theoretically, therefore, there is [...]