Media Coverage of the Silk Route

/Media Coverage of the Silk Route


Extremely rapid growth in China’s vineyard acreage has taken the global wine industry by surprise in recent years. However, according to Professor Demei Li, associate professor of wine tasting and oenology at the Beijing Agricultural College, China is first and foremost a consumer country offering [...]

In China hat ein neues Weinzeitalter begonnen

Von Liliane Turmes und Romain Batya: China, einer der größten Weinproduzenten der Welt, hat in punkto Qualität und internationaler Anerkennung zugelegt. Nach einer aufschlussreichen Reise in das Umland von Yinchuan, der einzigen Grossstadt der aufstrebenden Weinregion Ningxia, einem autonomen Territorium der Volksrepublik China direkt an der Grenze zur [...]

2018-05-17T09:24:46+01:00April 19th, 2018|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|

On the road: How China is stepping up the quality of its wines

By Victor Smart - Unlike many wineries in Ningxia, Silver Heights does not have antiquities and faux medieval halls to pull in the tourists. Instead it relies on the exquisite quality of a small range of wines, among the finest of more than eighty that [...]

Asian Wine and Spirits 2016: Post-Event Report

Asia is not only a vast region, it is also extremely diverse in terms of climate, topography, culture and customs. Over the centuries, this diversity has given rise to a multi-faceted drinks industry, accounting for a large share of global production and consumption. Within [...]

2018-05-17T09:24:47+01:00October 11th, 2017|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|

Organic wine in the Wuhai region in Inner Mongolia – China

The Wuhai  region in Inner Mongolia - China is aiming to be an important organic wine-production area. They have started to grow vines recently and the challenges are enormous. Lubos Barta, wine writer from the Czech Republik, participated in the last “World Desert Wine Forum” which was [...]

2018-05-17T09:25:03+01:00January 20th, 2017|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|

The burgeoning region of Fangshan, where winemaking is not just for fun

Fangshan is on a mission: to create the most regulated wine region in China as well as a green belt around Beijing, offering wine tourism and other recreational activities for city dwellers. Read the complete Article (pdf)

L’Asie nouvelle latitude du vin

Si l’Asie est avant tout un continent de spiritueux, plus de 1200 vignerons produisent aussi du vin dans 13 pays et régions. La première conférence-dégustation des vins et spiritueux vient de se dérouler à Pékin. Elle a pour ambition de devenir la plateforme d’échanges sur [...]

2018-05-17T09:25:06+01:00December 16th, 2016|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|

Le vade-mecum pour réussir en oenotourisme

Ce temps frais hivernal ne semble pas forcément propice aux réflexions touristiques mais s’il y a bien un atout dont l’oenotourisme dispose, c’est bien sa capacité à drainer des visiteurs toute l’année. A condition de respecter un certain nombre de règles indispensables… C’est bien ce [...]

2018-05-17T09:25:07+01:00November 17th, 2016|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|

La Chine n’a pas vocation à devenir un grand pays exportateur de vins

Terre de tous les superlatifs, l’Asie ne cesse d’étonner le monde des vins et spiritueux de par son envergure et surtout son rythme de développement effréné. Pour mieux suivre cette (r) évolution et promouvoir les échanges à l’intérieur de ce vaste territoire, la société belge Vinopres s’est associée au Beijing [...]

2018-05-17T09:25:07+01:00November 17th, 2016|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|

A china vem ai

O governo chinês aproveitoiu a reunião de jornalistas em Plovdiv, na Bulgária, por ocasião do CMB, e divulgou seus ambiciosos planos para a difusão do vinho no país. Read more  

2016-06-14T15:06:59+01:00June 14th, 2016|Media Coverage of the Silk Route|